Potatoes in Canada

News Business & Policy
Canada celebrates first-ever International Day of the Potato

June 3, 2024  By Potatoes in Canada

Bloyce Thompson, deputy premier and minister of agriculture for Prince Edward Island, marked the first-ever International Day of the Potato on May 30, 2024.

“Prince Edward Island is proud to be home to some of the best food producers in the world, which, of course, includes our world-class potatoes,” said Thompson in a statement. “Everyone in the potato industry, from our growers and packers to our distributors and processors, cares and showcases pride in sharing quality P.E.I. potatoes with people in over 44 countries spanning five different continents.”

The new special day was agreed upon last December by the UN General Assembly. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, potatoes are spotlighted because they are “a key crop across diverse farming systems globally… contribute to the food security and nutrition as well as livelihoods and employment of people in rural and urban areas the world over.”

The observance will be used to underscore the importance of potatoes in combating hunger and poverty, highlighting the role of small-scale family farmers and more.

“Today and every day, I want to thank everyone in our local potato industry for their impact on our communities across this Island,” said Thompson. “By embracing innovative practices, being stewards of both the land and the environment, and always striving for growth, our small Island has continued to lead on the global stage.”

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